SQL Server 2008 and .NET Framework 2.0 SP2 dependency explained

11 thoughts on “SQL Server 2008 and .NET Framework 2.0 SP2 dependency explained”

  1. so where can i download the .net framework from please there r so many links but none seem to give me the download

  2. Hi,

    I have an old WinForm Application that i developed on .Net 1.1 and SQL Server 2000. My boss recently bought a new Server SQL Server 2008 and I am not able to connect to the DB! ive tried all combinations of Connection strings, TcP/IP/namedpipes Combo but nothing so far!! Please advice asap. Thanks, Jesse

  3. @Jesse SQL Server 2005 and 2008 ship with network protocols disabled by default in an attempt to tighten security. I believe the only default enabled protocol is Shared Memory which is only useful if you are on the physical machine.

    Run the SQL Server Configuration Manager, expand SQL Server 2008 Network Configuration and then select the Protocols node. Then right-click and Enable TCP/IP and/or Named Pipes. Restart the instance of SQL Server and it should all work.

  4. Here’s the really dumbed down (simple) answer.

    Install 3.5 and you will have 2.0 SP2 capability. Read the MSDN site on 3.5 FX.

  5. Installing .NET 3.5 SP1 using dotnetfx35.exe does not always install .NET 2.0 SP2 on Vista machines. Is this a known problem? I am unable to install Sql Express 2008 on this particular machine.

  6. I’m having the exact same problem with .NET 3.5 SP1 not
    installing .NET 2.0 SP2 on a Vista machine. Has anyone figured this

  7. I noticed the same issue that Greg noticed. I have windows server 2008 x64 running on HyperV and when I went to install SQL 2008 SP 1 I got the error message about .NET 2.0 SP 2, even though I had 3.5 SP 1 installed. When I looked in the registry it list 2.0 SP 1 and 3.0 SP 1 and 3.5 SP 1. Still working with SQL Core support on this.

  8. Jesse, did you ever resolve this issue? I am now going through the same issues with an old VS2003 app I wrote. The new server has SS2008 express, should I be able to connect to this with my old app using frame work 1.1?

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