South African Xbox 360 buyers guide

6 thoughts on “South African Xbox 360 buyers guide”

  1. Good grief. 4 games bundled in? Why didn’t they have that when I first bought the console 😀 ? Nice work…I do however think you need to add another column to the table that shows “category” wherein which you say family/enthusiast in the rows. I know you mention it earlier yet I do think it’ll make it that little bit easier for the reader doing the straight comparisons…

  2. I’m really looking forward to my bonus as I am finally planning on buying an Xbox 360! Your blog entry has helped me quite a bit.

    But what about a really old TV? I’m talking using my old VCR with the red, black and yellow inputs… will that be enough?

  3. @Tiny: I’m pleased that you found my post useful. Regarding your really old TV it would actually have red, white and yellow inputs. Thats whats called composite A/V. The red and white is the stereo audio and the yellow is the composite video connector. And yes, that will be enough. 🙂

  4. Woohoo, that makes up my mind then… I’m hoping the retailers will be going nuts with the Xbox 360 specials over the month of December 🙂

  5. Great article, how ever does the core bundle include a memory card?
    The arcade option is clearly the best buy currently if you dont want to go online, but try find one? >.

  6. The Core model does not include a Memory Unit but you can purchase one separately. However the Arcade Bundle is definitely the better option and awesome value for money. If you are battling to find stock take a look at Dion Wired and Hifi Corporation. If I’m not mistaken one of them has it on special for R2899.

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