Windows Live Tools CTP

Angus Logan, Senior Technical Product Manager for Windows Live, just announced on his blog the first CTP for a cool set of add-ins for Visual Studio 2008 (formerly code-named Orcas) for getting started with Windows Live in your own applications. Windows Live™ Tools for Microsoft® Visual Studio® are a set of control add-ins to make … Continue reading Windows Live Tools CTP

Expiring VS2008 beta 2 VPCs

Sometimes Microsoft knows how to screw things up. Not only were the Visual Studio 2008 (code-named Orcas) Beta 2 Virtual PC (VPC) images rather excessively large for the average South African developer to download and too big to fit onto a single DVD for community distribution, but now they are expiring on the 1st of … Continue reading Expiring VS2008 beta 2 VPCs