WatermarkedTextBox control for Silverlight 2 beta 2

12 thoughts on “WatermarkedTextBox control for Silverlight 2 beta 2”

  1. Hey Craig

    Thanks for this code. It should be helpful.

  2. Hi Craig

    I added the reference to my app. But I get a type not found error. Have I implemented it correctly below?

    Todo: Stories will display here….

  3. I’ve actually detected a bug in the code I’ve posted. I’ll update it soon.

  4. The “type not found error” is caused by a slight error in the assembly reference shown above. I believe it should read:


  5. I can see it in the Object Browser, I have made a reference to it, but I get a ” The type ‘CraigN_Windows_Controls:WatermarkedTextBox’ was not found. Verify that you are not missing an assembly reference and that all referenced assemblies have been built” error when using it in the .xaml file

  6. I have put the control but when i am runnig the application i m not able to insert text in textbox.
    What should be the problem ?

  7. I am using solution instead of Kathy’s as it does not overwrite the System.Windows.Control.Extended dll that ships with 2.0 but I am running into a problem. Here is what I did.

    – I was able to sucessful build the project after removing the strong name verification and installing it in the gac.

    – Using the second tutorial from Scott’s blog, I was able to include a WatermarkedTextbox using your namespace, but now I get a compile time error saying “Length cannot be less than 0. Parameter name:length”

    Can you please help me figure out what is causing this problem? Thanks

  8. Thanks, this worked great and the explanation was clear and solved my problem quickly.

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