For those not in the know, Jaiku was recently acquired by Google and suddenly gained popularity. One of the reasons why I believe Jaiku is better than other similar services such as Twitter is because they have a decent mobile phone client.
The current build of Jaiku Mobile, 0.80 beta, is limited to the Nokia S60 3rd Edition platform and has one very annoying feature. When it installs it seems to install the Jaiku Mobile client as well as some hidden application that runs continuously. I assume this based on the extra icon that appears in the status area at the top of the screen even when Jaiku Mobile isn’t running.
Testing it on my Nokia N95 I noticed that I started getting more and more application hang-ups where the keyboard would stop responding in a newly launched application. I used the wonderful NSysInfo utility to diagnose that after a clean reboot my mobile phone had 4MB less RAM when Jaiku Mobile was installed and not running. So I’ve now promptly uninstalled it as I don’t believe in sacrificing 4MB of RAM for a stupid Jaiku status icon to be displayed.
Unfortunately I can’t find a means to report the issue directly to the Jaiku Mobile team so I’ll just have to blog about it and wait for a new build to come out sometime.
[tags]Jaiku,Jaiku Mobile,Nokia N95[/tags]
hi i saw ur post on twitter cud u send me a jaiku invite if u still got any free left cheers my email is stephen.ko at
Jaiku mobile is designed to be always-on application.
Jaiku Mobile broadcasts your presence information event to your Jaiku friends who use Jaiku Mobile. Presence includes availability, location, friends nearby and next Calendar. This is one of the main features of Jaiku Mobile client in addition to conversation that you do by posting jaikus and commenting them.
Background process is broadcasting and receiving this updates and little icon in idle screen is there to notify user that there is Jaiku running on background.
If you want to use Jaiku just occasionally to browse discussion and post jaikus and comments, you can close Jaiku by selecting Options -> Exit. This stops presence broadcasting also. On the otherhand, our mobile pages might be a better fit for that kind of use case.
Teemu Kurppa
Jaiku Mobile developer